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Niice + Slack

Keep everyone in the loop

Sync your boards to Slack so the entire team can stay in the loop with activity updates. When changes are made, a preview will be shared to your specified Slack channel with a link back to the board on Niice, so you never lose track of what you're working on. 

How it works

Connect to Slack

Sync Niice and Slack so you and your team can be notified of board changes.

Open the board you want to connect to Slack and click the "Share" button in the top right
Click "Connect to Slack"
Select a Slack channel from the dropdown list where you'd like to post updates to
Click "allow" to save your changes

Choose what activity to post

You'll receive notifications for all board updates by default, but you can also choose which ones you want to be notified by. These are the main updates you might find useful:

  • Image added
  • New comment
  • Item starred
Open the board and click the "Share" button in the top right
Click on "Slack" in the sidebar
Click to select which activity you'd like to receive notifications for

Everyone who is part of the specified Slack channel will be notified of the updates you select here.

Click the "x" in the top right when you're finished, all changes are saved automatically

Select a new Slack channel

You can change the Slack channel that you've synced your board with.

Open the board and click the "Share" button in the top right
Click on the dropdown and choose "Connect to another channel"
Select a new Slack channel from the dropdown list where you'd like to post updates to
Click "allow" to save your changes

Turn off Slack notifications

You can turn off notifications for specific updates.

Open the board and click "Share" in the top right
Click to deselect the activity you no longer want to receive updates for
Click the "x" in the top right when you're finished, all changes are saved automatically

Disconnect from Slack

You can remove the Slack integration if you no longer want to receive updates.

Open the board and click "Share" in the top right
Click the dropdown menu and select "None". This will immediately disconnect Slack from your Niice workspace